MMAS Architects

MMAS Architects

MMAS is a Belfast based, design focused architecture and urbanism practice founded in 2013 by Garreth McMahon and Fearghal Murray. We have ongoing projects throughout Ireland ranging from bespoke houses to housing developments, public spaces, temporary and meanwhile use projects, masterplans and urban studies and community and ediucation buildings. 

We were selected by the RIBA in 2017 as one of only nine UK wide ‘Role Model Practices’ and have been acknowledged both locally and nationally as having an innovative and creative approach to architecture and urbanism. The practice was featured in the 2021 RIBA Journal ‘Future Winners’ edition, while recent awards include a 2023 RIBA Award, the 2023 RSUA Living Places award, the 2023 AJ Small Projects Award, a McEwan Award in 2023 & shortlisted in 2024, and a Civic Trust Award in 2023.

Recent clients have included Belfast City Council, Derry City and Strabane District Council, The RSPB, Belfast Harbour, Maritime Belfast Trust, West Belfast Partnership Board, P McVey Building Systems, BMI Trailers and Pronto Automation Systems.

Client and community focused, we aspire to make buildings, spaces and places that are contextually sensitive and socially conscious. Our work is derived from its place and its past, yet appropriate to its time and reflective of wider cultural influences. We work with critical rigour to develop rational, innovative and crafted projects that efficiently and cost–effectively enhance the quality of everyday life.

We bring wide–ranging and award–winning collective experience and a unique set of skills and expertise, gained whilst working for several highly reputable architecture and urbanism practices. Both directors have held teaching roles in Queen’s University Belfast and Univeristy of Ulster and are currently appointed to the DFC Ministerial Advice Group as Expert Advisor and the RSUA Design Quality Panel.

Our practice has developed pioneering work in the area of meanwhile use and temporary architecture and public realm interventions, where we have become established experts with proven and award winning projects delivered over the past 5 years.

Each project begins with clearly defined aspirations developed through in–depth discussions. Our aim is to build strong professional relationships with each client based on clarity and trust to ensure a feeling of ownership and understanding of the process and the solution. The design develops through hand sketching, physical and digital modelling and visualisation. We have a particular interest in the emotional, nostalgic and experiential aspects of space and materials, while our process involves a rigorous concern for efficiency, focusing on the economical and environmental impact of a building over it’s life cycle.

Our ultimate ambition is to contribute to a higher standard of built environment and place–making within our urban and rural surroundings.

Photo Credit: Ian Campbell